Calvary Chapel

Grand Forks


Mexico Mission Trip 2017

For the last 11 years we have been supporting Ron and Donna Brink with Touch Baja, a ministry that reaches the lost in the Baja of California in Mexico. Ron and Donna have lived in Mexico, near Tijuana for 20 years, and have planted Calvary Chapel Xochimilco, the church that Ron pastors. They have raised up “local” men to pastor and have begun 4 other churches in the region surrounding Tijuana. We love the vision that Ron has of reaching the lost and starting churches and are encouraged to come along side another pastor. Each year in May we have a short term trip that CC Fargo takes to Tijuana to encourage the church at Xochimilco and their other church plants. Also we seek to expand our mission efforts to other parts of Mexico as the Lord gives us direction.

How Can I be Involved?

Give! You can give financially to support this year’s mission team by covering expenses and to impart a gift to the churches in Mexico. Designate “Mexico” on your offering.

Pray! Intercede for the Holy Spirit power to be upon the servant team that we are sending this year. For God’s will to be done for our week “on the ground” in Tijuana. Pray for the churches that we support in Mexico. Pray for Ron and Donna and the call upon their lives. Pray for the pastors of the churches. Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit upon the Word of God. Pray for all the saints. Click here to download the Mexico 2017 Prayer Guide.

Serve! The 14 team member servants are signed up and ready to go. The dates for the trip are May 15th-22nd, 2017. Click here for the Mexico 2017 Information Sheet.

Check out last year’s trip!

Mexico Mission Trip 2016

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